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Official Board Nomination

Thank you for your interest in nominating an individual to serve on the Official Board of Elders. This is an extremely important role in that this is the governing board of our congregation. Please carefully review the job description to ensure you have a full understanding of this role and that the person being nominated has both the qualifications and the capacity (willingness, time, and skillsets) needed to fulfill it.


General Overview 

The overall purpose of the Official Board of Elders is to provide Biblical leadership and oversight for all functional areas of the church (ministry, administration, operations, etc.) They work in tandem with the Senior Pastor to ensure that the church fulfills its mission and vision while conducting legally sound church business. Board members are elected to three-year terms and can serve two terms consecutively. If they desire to serve on the board in the future, they will be required to wait at least one year before returning. Click HERE to download the full job description.

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